Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluation Blogging: Improve Your Practice, Share Your Expertise, and Strengthen Your Network (Presentation slides)

Want to start blogging about evaluation, but not sure where to start? Started, but want to know what to expect (or what to do next, or how to keep it going)? Ready to take your independent consulting practice to the next level? Or just want to have fun with a new way of communicating with fellow evaluators? 

In this Think Tank session at the American Evaluation Association's annual conference, Ann Emery, Susan Kistler, Sheila B. Robinson, and Chris Lysy shared blogging experiences with attendees. Each evaluator has experience blogging in a variety of channels and formats--personal blogs, blogging on behalf of an employer, writing for AEA365, blogging through cartoons and videos, or blogging by guest-posting or co-authoring blog posts. Facilitators shared strategies for success and addressed potential concerns relevant to both novice and veteran bloggers in an interactive format with opportunities for participants to ask specific questions. 


Bibliographic Details
Author Ann K. Emery, Susan Kistler, Chris Lysy, Sheila B. Robinson
Publisher Innovation Network, Inc.
Publication Date October 19, 2013
Publication City Washington, DC, USA
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K October 24, 2013 - 4:41pm

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