Transforming Knowledge into Change

Report from "Planning, Assessing and Learning from Advocacy Workshop"

This report summarizes a 4-day workshop help in Accra, Ghana, in April 2006.  The workshop was a collaboration between INTRAC and ActionAid. INTRAC was seeking to understand M&E as practiced on the ground as part of its preparation for an international conference, and ActionAid was motivated by a desire to present findings from three years of the Action Research Project and give participants a forum to express themselves. (The Action Research Project was carried out over a period of three years in four countries: Brazil, Ghana, Nepal and Uganda.)  The workshop summary includes observations about challenges to advocacy evaluation; creation of culturally and locally appropriate indicators; and tensions between a need for tools and a perception that tools are alienating and imposed by outsiders.


Bibliographic Details
Publisher INTRAC
Publication Date April 30, 2006
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 11:54am

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