Transforming Knowledge into Change

Using Information for Policy Change: The Only Reason to Do Evaluation (In This Context)

Patricia Patrizi, a "career-long evaluator," reflects on the current trends in evaluating advocacy efforts and offers suggestions. She proposes that "Policy change should be evaluated only when there is a reason to evaluate," and likens policy change evaluation to evaluating a campaign for public office. Patrizi asserts that an outcome evaluation is unnecessary, but an ongoing evaluation during the course of the campaign is helpful. She concludes by advising the evaluator (and funder) to keep in mind that the primary users of an advocacy evaluation are advocates, and therefore the evaluation should be in a language and format understood and used by advocates.


Bibliographic Details
Author Patrizi, Patricia
Publisher Patrizi, Patricia
Publication Date March 6, 2006
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 1:03pm

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