Transforming Knowledge into Change

Movement Building Indicators

This tool supports organizations in their strategic thinking around planning and assessing movement building work. It rejects the notion that there is a one-size-fits-all approach to assessing change strategies, and pays attention to the processes that need to be put in place and the contributions of groups who are working deeply rather than at a scale of mass mobilization.
Four key areas of movement building are addressed:
- Policy Change
- Leadership Development
- Communications
- Relationship Building.
The tool offers easy-to-use worksheets that guide users on the relevant evaluation questions to ask in these four areas, as well as the process and outcome indicators that might be gathered to address the questions.
Although developed within the context of reproductive justice, the tool and indicators have broader applicability to movement building on other issues.


Bibliographic Details
Author Maria Nakae, Moira Cowman, and Eveline Shen
Publisher Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
Publication Date December 31, 2009
Publication City Oakland, CA
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K July 21, 2010 - 8:34am

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