Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluating Social Justice Advocacy: A Values Based Approach

Although social justice is a concept inherent in many advocacy efforts, it often remains unspoken or is
ignored during the evaluation process. In some ways, the use of a social justice lens when evaluating
advocacy should be self-evident. If advocacy efforts aim for social justice outcomes, evaluations should look
for evidence that such outcomes have been achieved. But understanding just what social justice means can
be a challenge, as can knowing how to look for it in the context of complex and often long-term advocacy efforts.

This brief offers ideas on how to incorporate the concept of social justice and its underlying values into advocacy
evaluation. It points to ways in which social justice values should influence what evaluators examine in terms of
advocacy goals, theories of change, outcomes, and strategies. It also considers how the evaluation process itself can
promote social justice values.

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Bibliographic Details
Author Barbara Klugman
Publisher Center for Evaluation Innovation
Publication Date August 1, 2010
Publication City Washington, DC
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K September 17, 2010 - 11:49am

Point K Pick

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