Transforming Knowledge into Change

Guide to Monitoring and Evaluating policy influence

This paper provides an overview of approaches to monitoring and evaluating policy influence, based on an exploratory review of the literature and selected interviews with expert informants, as well as ongoing discussions and advisory projects for policy-makers and practitioners who also face the challenges of monitoring and evaluation. There are a number of lessons that can be learned, and tools that can be used, that provide workable solutions to these challenges. While there is a vast breadth of activities that aim to influence policy, and a great deal of variety in theory and practice according to each different area or type of organisation, there are also some clear similarities and common lessons.

Rather than providing a systematic review of practice, this paper is intended as a guide to the topic, outlining different challenges and approaches, with some suggestions for further reading.


Bibliographic Details
Author Harry Jones
Publisher Overseas Development Institute
Publication Date February 23, 2011
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K February 23, 2011 - 4:13pm

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