Transforming Knowledge into Change

What Makes an Effective Coalition

This paper explores the evidence base for what makes an effective coalition with the assumption that understanding what makes them effective and how to assess and improve them will increase their effectiveness as an advocacy tool and reduce potential frustrations associated with operating in coalition.

To explore how to increase the value of coalitions, this paper examines the questions: “What are coalitions?” and “How can we monitor their progress and effectiveness?” Part I of the paper represents a basic framework for defining and understanding coalitions. Part II uses the lens of assessment/evaluation to explore what we know about successful coalition members, coalition capacity, and coalition outcomes/impact. The paper draws on a broad multi-disciplinary review of academic literature, both
theory and applied research, regarding the “conclusive” components of effective coalitions, described in a straight-forward
manner and punctuated with examples.


Bibliographic Details
Author Jared Raynor, TCC Group
Publisher The California Endowment
Publication Date March 1, 2011
Publication City Los Angeles
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K June 3, 2011 - 10:55am

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