Transforming Knowledge into Change

Evaluability Assessment to Improve Public Health Policies, Programs, and Practices

This article describes how evaluability assessment has benefited public health and could do so in future. We describe the rationale, history, and evolution of evaluability assessment. We outline the steps in the method and distinguish it from related concepts. We then illustrate how evaluability assessment can benefit public health in five ways:

1. Serving the core public health functions of planning and assurance,
2. Building evaluation capacity,
3. Navigating federal performance measurement requirements,
4. Translating evidence-based research models into practice, and
5. Translating practice into research by identifying promising practices.


Bibliographic Details
Author Laura C. Leviton, Laura Kettel Khan, Debra Rog, Nicola Dawkins, and David Cotton
Publisher Annual Review of Public Health
Publication Date July 1, 2010
Publication City Palo Alto, CA
Publication Work Annual Review of Public Health
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K August 9, 2011 - 12:09pm


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