Transforming Knowledge into Change

Room for Improvement: Foundations' Support of Nonprofit Performance Assessment

Amidst growing pressure for nonprofits to measure and assess their performance, the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) finds that nonprofits sorely lack the support they need. CEP finds that 81 percent of the nonprofits surveyed believe that nonprofits should demonstrate the effectiveness of their work by using performance measures.
CEP also finds that:
» Nonprofits very much want to be able to understand their performance and are taking steps to do so. Nonprofits want more help in performance assessment efforts than they are currently receiving from their foundation funders.


Bibliographic Details
Author Brock, Andrea; Buteau, Ellie; Herring, An-Li
Publisher The Center for Effective Philanthropy
Publication Date September 1, 2012
Publication City Cambridge, MA; San Francisco, CA
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K October 22, 2012 - 11:19am


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