Transforming Knowledge into Change

Advocacy Funding: The Philanthropy of Changing Minds

This guide is primarily for grantmakers, but contains information relevant to grantees. In its last section, "Defining and Measuring Success," the publication highlights general questions regarding advocacy evaluation. The publication defines process, outcome, and impact evaluations of advocacy, and provides examples to illustrate each type. Finally, the publication asks "Why Evaluate Advocacy?" (Answers: to encourage grantees to think more broadly; to sharpen the focus on measurable change; to engage your board in overall strategy; and to hold yourself accountable and enhance your own work.)


Bibliographic Details
Author GrantCraft
Publisher GrantCraft
Publication Date June 1, 2005
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 9:28am


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