Transforming Knowledge into Change

From Insight to Action: New Directions in Foundation Evaluation

This report highlights emerging approaches to evaluation in the field of philanthropy that increase the effectiveness of both foundations and their grantees. Specific key findings include:(1) Evaluation serves foundations best when it leads to more informed decision-making and changes in behavior that increase effectiveness.  (2) No single approach to evaluation is best under all circumstances.  (3) In the past decade, the field of philanthropy has seen a profound shift in the use of evaluation, accompanied by a profusion of new approaches.  (4) Foundations of all sizes have developed new evaluative processes that offer useful and often inexpensive ways of gathering more performance-centered data to increase their effectiveness.


Bibliographic Details
Author FSG Social Impact Advisors
Publisher FSG Social Impact Advisors
Publication Date April 1, 2007
Publication City
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K January 18, 2008 - 10:29am


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